Tonight, the long-gesting horror creation from Buffy, Firefly and Avengers mastermind Joss Whedon and LOST, Cloverfield and Spielberg's upcoming Robopocalypse writer Drew Goddard, The Cabin in the Woods, was unleashed into the world, premiering to the excitable, mouth-frothing crowds of South by Southwest. There's reason why the anticipation was so high:Cabin in the Woods has been sitting on a shelf, collecting dust for a few years, after MGM went bankrupt and there wasn't anyone to put the thing out.
Now, finally, the movie is hitting the circuit, playing at the highly-regarded film festival before making its way to theaters April 13. Was it worth the wait? Simply put: ab-so-lutely.
Cabin in the Woods has a ton of twists and turns, so being a month out, know this report is only a highlight reel—no spoilers, no details, just reactions.
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